Tuesday, April 22, 2008

It's been a long time!

Okay, so I have done some snooping and come to find out that there are other Monsoons and spouses of Monsoons blogging away!!! Soooooo, I thought I might as well add a thought or two to this and we can see if we can get the bloggers to create a link back to this site and might motivate some other Monsoons to start blogging too!!! I am very new to this, so please don't expect much, but I will see about adding some pictures and things as I find the time! Oh, and this is not limited to the Class of 1987!!!

P.S. If you see a link to your page and you do not want it here, please kindly let me know and I will delete it!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

I just wanted to start this blog off with a word of thanks to Amber, Wendy, Lorri, and Steve for all of their time and effort to make the reunion a night to remember. Great job you guys!

It has been great looking through the pictures and trying to think who is who, I guess I should have been there! Everyone looked great.

So use this blog to post your own thoughts, memories, or feelings about the reunion, or if you missed the reunion, post a message to your classmates anyway. Simply click the "Comments" link below, then click "Post a Comment" to add your thoughts to this blog. Teresa Olvera